
Notes on the Spanish language.

See also: Errores inevitables, a blog where I practise writing in Spanish.

Debo a la conjunción de un espejo y de una enciclopedia el descubrimiento de Uqbar.
(I owe the discovery of Uqbar to the conjunction of a mirror and an encyclopedia.)

Si lo piensas, nunca encuentras un buen día para un atraco.
(If you think about it, you’ll never find a good day for a heist.)

Tokio in La casa de papel

Verb conjugation cheatsheet

A quick reference for the patterns of forming regular verbs. I’ll add to this (and fix mistakes!) as I learn more. Note that I’m studying European Spanish for now; I’ve left out the vos forms used in parts of Latin America.

There are three regular conjugations: -ar, -er, and -ir. These are demonstrated below with examples using three regular verbs: hablar (to speak), comer (to eat), and vivir (to live).

Present simple tense

  -ar -er -ir
yo -o -o -o
-as -es -es
usted -a -e -e
nosotros/as -amos -emos -imos
vosotros/as -áis -éis -ís
ustedes -an -en -en

Hablamos. (We speak.)

Como. (I eat.)

Viven. (They live.)

Three irregular verbs are also used as auxiliary verbs to form other tenses (e.g. to have spoken). It’s useful to memorise the present tense forms of these verbs early on. They are estar (to be), haber (to have), and ir (to go).

  estar haber ir
yo estoy he voy
estás has vas
usted está ha va
nosotros/as estamos hemos vamos
vosotros/as estáis habéis vais
ustedes están han van

Present continuous

Use (1) the present tense of estar followed by (2) the gerund form of the verb.

To form the gerund:

  • -ar -ando
  • -er -iendo
  • -ir -iendo

Estamos hablando. (We are speaking.)

Estoy comiendo. (I am eating.)

Están viviendo. (They are living.)


  • : Take the present form and drop the final s. Generally this is the same as the present usted form.

  • Usted: Take the present form and swap the final a and e vowels.

  • Vosotros/as: Take the infinitive form and change the final r to d. The infinitive is also used without change in informal speech.

  -ar -er -ir
-a -e -e
usted -e -a -a
nosotros/as -emos -amos -amos
vosotros/as -ad, -ar -ed, -er -id, -ir
ustedes -en -an -an

Habla. (Speak.)
Hablemos. (Let’s speak.)

Come. (Eat.)
Comamos. (Eat.)

In the negative, the second-person forms are taken from the present subjunctive.

  -ar -er -ir
-es -as -as
usted -e -a -a
nosotros/as -emos -amos -amos
vosotros/as -éis -áis -áis
ustedes -en -an -an

No hables. (Don’t speak.)

No comas. (Don’t eat.)

Preterite (simple past)

Actions that were completed in the past.

  -ar -er -ir
-aste -íste -íste
usted -ió -ió
nosotros/as -amos -imos -imos
vosotros/as -asteis -isteis -isteis
ustedes -aron -ieron -ieron

The first-person plural forms for -ar and -ir are the same as the present tense.

Hablamos. (We spoke.)

Comí. (I ate.)

Vivieron. (They lived.)


What was happening or used to happen.

  -ar -er -ir
yo -aba -ía -ía
-abas -ías -ías
usted -aba -ían -ían
nosotros/as -ábamos -íamos -íamos
vosotros/as -abais -íais -íais
ustedes -aban -ían -ían

Hablábamos. (We were speaking.)

Comía. (I was eating.)

Vivían. (They were living.)


Use (1) the present tense of haber followed by (2) the past participle.

To form the past participle:

  • -ar -ado
  • -er -ido
  • -ir -ido

Hemos hablado. (We have spoken.)

He comido. (I have eaten.)

Han vivido. (They have lived.)


Add the verb ending onto the infinitive. All three conjugations are the same.

  -ar -er -ir
yo -(ar)é -(er)é -(ir)é
-(ar)ás -(er)ás -(ir)ás
usted -(ar)á -(er)á -(ir)á
nosotros/as -(ar)emos -(er)emos -(ir)emos
vosotros/as -(ar)éis -(er)éis -(ir)éis
ustedes -(ar)án -(er)án -(ir)án

Hablaremos. (We will speak.)

Comeré. (I will eat.)

Vivirán. (They will live.)


Add the verb ending onto the infinitive. All three conjugations are the same.

  -ar -er -ir
yo -(ar)ía -(er)ía -(ir)ía
-(ar)ías -(er)ías -(ir)ías
usted -(ar)ía -(er)ía -(ir)ía
nosotros/as -(ar)íamos -(er)íamos -(ir)íamos
vosotros/as -(ar)íais -(er)íais -(ir)íais
ustedes -(ar)ían -(er)ían -(ir)ían

Hablaríamos. (We would speak.)

Comería. (I would eat.)

Vivirían. (They would live.)
